Free Materials

Our all-in-one information hub and tailored assistance services are here for you to develop your entrepreneur skills and with tools for achieving your desired goals

Free courses Image of a Venn diagram to signify improvement cycle.

Purpose Defining Materials

 At the core of every successful business lies a strong sense of purpose. Purpose is more than just a mission statement or a marketing tool – it is the driving force that inspires employees, attracts customers, and creates a shared sense of meaning. When a business operates with a clear purpose, it unlocks a myriad of insights that can propel growth and set them apart from their competitors. Purpose driven organizations have a deeper understanding of their customers’ needs and motivations, allowing them to develop innovative products and services that truly resonate. Moreover, purpose gives businesses a guiding light, helping them make strategic decisions that align with their values, build trust, and foster long-term relationships with stakeholders. By embracing a purpose driven mindset, businesses can tap into a wellspring of insights that fuel growth and create a positive impact.

value proposition model marketing tool
Purpose - Value Proposition Model

A value proposition helps to recognizing the pains of potential customers and the gains your organization can provide so you can develop a strategy to meet their needs, expectations and wants.

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SWIOT Analysis marketing tool
Purpose - SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis has ability to uncover hidden strengths and weaknesses. By acknowledging weaknesses, individuals can work towards improving those areas and minimizing their impact on overall progress.

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Affinity Diagram progress tool
Progress - Brainstorm / Affinity Diagram

Brainstorming encourages diverse perspectives and leveraging the collective intelligence of a team. Affinity diagrams provide a structured approach to organizing and categorizing ideas generated, creating a visual representation of the insights of a team.

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business model canvas marketing tool
Purpose - Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas allows businesses to visualize, analyze, and optimize their entire business model in one comprehensive framework. Encourages collaboration and communication and allows businesses to tap into the collective expertise and insights of their teams.

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Time to Delivery Model marketing tool
Purpose - Time to Delivery Model

The critical factor that contributes to efficiency is the timely delivery of products or services. Delivery time models provide businesses with a structured approach to manage their delivery processes. 

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Force Field Analysis planning tool
Plan - Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis aids in identifying the forces that drive or hinder change, which organizations and individuals can effectively strategize and make informed decisions to overcome obstacles to unlock their full potential.

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Strategic Planning Creation Materials

In a rapidly changing world, strategic planning and strategic action are crucial for organizations to thrive. By aligning purpose with action, organizations can navigate uncertainties, seize opportunities, and create a brighter future. It is through the power of strategic planning that purpose becomes actionable, fueling innovation, growth, and transformation. So, let us unleash the power of strategic planning and turn our aspirations into achievements.

Process Map planning tool
Plan - Process Map

A process map provides a bird’s-eye view of the entire workflow across multiple departments to gain valuable insights into their operations tto take proactive steps to improve efficiency.

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Organizational Chart planning tool
Plan - Organizational Chart

Organizational charts promote transparency and accountability, as everyone can clearly see their position within the hierarchy and understand how their work fits into the bigger picture.

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Affinity Diagram progress tool
Progress - Brainstorm / Affinity Diagram

Brainstorming encourages diverse perspectives and leveraging the collective intelligence of a team. Affinity diagrams provide a structured approach to organizing and categorizing ideas generated, creating a visual representation of the insights of a team.

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Process sheet planning tool
Plan - Process Sheet

Process sheet helps to understand the impact of various factors on the process to devise strategies to mitigate risks and enhance performance.

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Continuity Plan planning tool
Plan - Continuity Plan

In an unpredictable world, businesses must be prepared for any eventuality. Essential continuity plans serve as the unbreakable backbone that ensures the smooth functioning of organizations during times of crisis.

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Force Field Analysis planning tool
Plan - Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis aids in identifying the forces that drive or hinder change, which organizations and individuals can effectively strategize and make informed decisions to overcome obstacles to unlock their full potential.

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Tactical Planning Design Materials

While strategic planning sets the direction, it is the tactical tools that bring the vision to life. These tools act as the gears that propel organizations towards growth and achievement. From market research and competitor analysis to financial modeling and performance tracking, tactical tools provide the necessary insights and data-driven intelligence to make informed decisions. They enable businesses to identify emerging trends, capitalize on market opportunities, and identify areas of improvement. With the right tactical tools at their disposal, organizations gain a competitive edge, optimize efficiency, and drive innovation. They empower businesses to adapt swiftly to market changes, seize opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth.

Decision Matrix planning tool
Plan - Decision Matrix

The decision matrix not only provides a systematic method for evaluating options but also enables us to optimize our decision-making process.

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Tree Diagram planning tool
Plan - Tree Diagram

By mapping out all possible scenarios and their associated probabilities, tree diagrams provide a comprehensive overview that enhances decision-making.

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Affinity Diagram progress tool
Progress - Brainstorm / Affinity Diagram

Brainstorming encourages diverse perspectives and leveraging the collective intelligence of a team. Affinity diagrams provide a structured approach to organizing and categorizing ideas generated, creating a visual representation of the insights of a team.

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Flowchart planning tool
Plan - Process / Deployment Flowchart

Flowcharts power lies in their ability to provide a comprehensive overview of a process. Deployment as the name suggests, encompasses the whole organization from start to finish, highlighting the main steps and decision points.

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Value Stream Map planning tool
Plan - Value Stream Map

Value Stream Mapping provides a holistic view of the entire production process, enabling businesses to identify bottlenecks, eliminate non-value-added activities, and optimize the flow of work.

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Force Field Analysis planning tool
Plan - Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis aids in identifying the forces that drive or hinder change, which organizations and individuals can effectively strategize and make informed decisions to overcome obstacles to unlock their full potential.

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Pursuit Process Monitoring Materials

Process monitoring is a crucial aspect of any successful organization. It allows companies to track and analyze their operational activities, ensuring that all processes are running smoothly and efficiently. By harnessing the transformative power of process monitoring, businesses can unlock their true potential and achieve strategic success. This article will delve into the significance of process monitoring and explore how mastering this practice can lead to remarkable achievements..

Plan - Data Collection

By harnessing the power of data, companies can gain valuable insights, make informed decisions, and stay ahead of the competition.

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Check sheet run chart pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Check Sheet / Line Graph

Line graphs are a fundamental component of data visualization, allowing users to quickly identify trends, fluctuations, and relationships between variables over time.

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Check sheet 4 pack pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Check Sheet 4 pack

Choosing the right chart type is crucial for effectively communicating your data story. Different chart types serve distinct purposes and are suited for presenting specific types of information.

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Affinity Diagram progress tool
Progress - Brainstorm / Affinity Diagram

Brainstorming encourages diverse perspectives and leveraging the collective intelligence of a team. Affinity diagrams provide a structured approach to organizing and categorizing ideas generated, creating a visual representation of the insights of a team.

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Value Stream Map planning tool
Plan - Value Stream Map

Value Stream Mapping provides a holistic view of the entire production process, enabling businesses to identify bottlenecks, eliminate non-value-added activities, and optimize the flow of work.

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Measure check run chart pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Measure Sheet / Run Chart

By plotting data points over time to a target, run charts make it easy to spot trends, patterns, and anomalies that might otherwise go unnoticed.

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Measure sheet 4 pack pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Measure Sheet 4 Pack

By understanding the impact of well-crafted charts and selecting the most appropriate chart types for your data stories, you can unlock the full potential of your data and effectively convey your message .

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Force Field Analysis planning tool
Plan - Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis aids in identifying the forces that drive or hinder change, which organizations and individuals can effectively strategize and make informed decisions to overcome obstacles to unlock their full potential.

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Pursuit Data Interpreting Materials

Data is the lifeblood of any successful organization. However, simply collecting vast amounts of data is not enough; it is the interpretation and analysis of this data that truly holds the key to unlocking its potential. By harnessing the power of data, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of their customers, markets, and internal processes. This knowledge acts as a compass, guiding leaders to make informed decisions that align with their strategic goals. From identifying emerging market trends to predicting customer preferences, data interpretation helps businesses stay ahead of the curve, effectively responding to changing market dynamics and staying one step ahead of their competition.

Check sheet attribute pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Check Sheet / Attribute Control Chart

Attribute control charts are particularly useful in manufacturing settings, where the quality features of the final product is dependent on the consistency of the production process.

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Check sheet frequency distribution piechart pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Check Sheet / Frequency Distribution Pie Chart

Frequency distribution pie charts are a powerful tool for unveiling patterns and asserting key insights and helps us understand how data points are spread across different categories or intervals.

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Check sheet Pareto pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Check Sheet / Pareto Analysis

Pareto Analysis involves evaluating each factor in terms of its importance, urgency, and feasibility, and developing a plan of action that addresses the most critical issues first.

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Affinity Diagram progress tool
Progress - Brainstorm / Affinity Diagram

Brainstorming encourages diverse perspectives and leveraging the collective intelligence of a team. Affinity diagrams provide a structured approach to organizing and categorizing ideas generated, creating a visual representation of the insights of a team.

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Measure sheet variable control chart pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Measure Sheet / Variable Control Chart

Variable Control Charts are indispensable for monitoring and controlling process variables, enabling organizations to identify and address deviations promptly.

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measure sheet frequency pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Measure Sheet / Frequency Distribution Bar Graph

By presenting data in a clear and visually appealing way, these charts allow analysts to quickly identify patterns, trends, and outliers in their data.

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Measure sheet capability analysis pursuit tool.
Pursuit - Measure Sheet / Capability Analysis

By examining the inherent variability and performance of a process, capability analysis helps identify whether the process is meeting its intended goals and customer requirements.

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Force Field Analysis planning tool
Plan - Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis aids in identifying the forces that drive or hinder change, which organizations and individuals can effectively strategize and make informed decisions to overcome obstacles to unlock their full potential.

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Progress Developing Materials

Embracing improvement methods and leveraging data driven actions are the keys to unlocking business success. By adopting a systematic and data centric approach, businesses can drive transformative growth, enhance operational efficiency, and deliver superior value to their customers.

Interrelationship diagram progress tool.
Progress - Interrelationship Diagram

Interrationship Diagreams enable organizations to identify the critical factors that contribute to a particular outcome or goal, allowing for the development of effective strategies and the allocation of resources in the most efficient way possible.

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5 Why Analysis progress tool.
Progress - 5 Why Analysis

5 Why Analysis helps by delving deeper into the underlying causes of a problem, why it was not detected or why it was not predicted, which can unlock our problem-solving potential and find more effective solutions.

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Affinity Diagram progress tool
Progress - Brainstorm / Affinity Diagram

Brainstorming encourages diverse perspectives and leveraging the collective intelligence of a team. Affinity diagrams provide a structured approach to organizing and categorizing ideas generated, creating a visual representation of the insights of a team.

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Fishbone diagram progress tool.
Progress - Fishbone Diagram

The Fishbone Diagram breaks down a problem into its contributing factors, these diagrams provide a clear and organized representation of the various elements that need to be considered.

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Value Stream Map planning tool
Plan - Value Stream Map

Value Stream Mapping provides a holistic view of the entire production process, enabling businesses to identify bottlenecks, eliminate non-value-added activities, and optimize the flow of work.

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Force Field Analysis planning tool
Plan - Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis aids in identifying the forces that drive or hinder change, which organizations and individuals can effectively strategize and make informed decisions to overcome obstacles to unlock their full potential.

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