5 Why Analysis

5 Why Analysis helps by delving deeper into the underlying causes of a problem, why it was not detected or why it was not predicted, which can unlock our problem-solving potential and find more effective solutions.

5 Why Analysis progress tool.
Chapter 1: What is it?

The 5 Why analysis method is a simple yet powerful tool used to identify the root cause of a problem. It involves asking the question “why” multiple times to uncover the underlying factors contributing to the issue. The idea is to dig deeper into the causes rather than stopping at the surface-level symptoms. By asking “why” repeatedly, organizations can trace back to the true cause, which may not be immediately apparent.

Chapter 2 : When do I use it?

Finding the root cause of an issue is often the key to implementing effective solutions. While surface-level analysis may provide temporary fixes, delving deeper into the underlying factors can lead to long-lasting and impactful resolutions. This is where the power of the 5 Why analysis comes into play. By repeatedly asking “why” and peeling back the layers of a problem, organizations can unlock the root causes and drive effective problem-solving strategies.

Chapter 3: How do I use it?

Follow these five easy steps to become a pro at uncovering the root causes of any problem:

1. Identify the problem: Clearly define the problem you are facing. Be specific and ensure that you understand the issue at hand.

2. Ask “Why?” five times: Start by asking why the problem occurred, and then continue asking why for each answer you receive. By the fifth “why,” you will have reached the core cause.

3. Analyze the answers: Evaluate the answers obtained from the five whys and look for patterns or commonalities. This will help you identify the real cause of the problem.

4. Develop solutions: Once you have identified the root cause, brainstorm potential solutions to address it. Focus on solutions that will eliminate the cause rather than just treating the symptoms.

5. Implement and monitor: Choose the most suitable solution and put it into action. Monitor its effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments.

Chapter 4 :Why should I use it?

When faced with a problem, it is natural to search for quick solutions. However, sometimes these solutions only scratch the surface and fail to address the root cause. To truly become effective problem solvers, we need to embrace a powerful technique known as the 5 Why Analysis. By delving deeper into the underlying causes of a problem, we can unlock our problem-solving potential and find more effective solutions.

Chapter 5 : Collaborative Benefits

I need help…

Not all help costs money. Requests for additional information and potential application for your industry, helps us to improve the training experience, at no charge to you.

When do I need collaborative services?

Collaboration has proven time and time again to be a powerful tool in optimizing performance and driving efficiency in various aspects of life. Whether it is in the workplace, educational settings, or even within personal relationships, collaboration has the ability to unlock untapped potential and enhance productivity. By leveraging the collective intelligence and diverse skills of a group, individuals can capitalize on their strengths, overcome challenges, and achieve remarkable results.

What do I get with collaborative services?

Our Role – Quality coordinating – Analyze your system, review your policies, and suggest process improvements.

We help you use a chosen template and apply it to your business model, with or without action plans.

Course includes a shareable document for use or for future collaboration.

1 hour online training (one on one training) no minimum participates

5 Why Analysis progress tool.

Download a 5 Why Analysis

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What is a 5 Why Analysis?

Watch this Video.

5 Why Analysis is a problem-solving technique that helps to identify the root cause of a problem by asking “why” multiple times. By repeatedly asking “why,” it enables teams to dig deeper into the underlying causes of an issue and uncover the true source of the problem. Originally developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation, this method has gained popularity in various industries for its simplicity and effectiveness in problem-solving. In this informative guide, we will explore what the Five Why Analysis is and provide practical tips on how to implement it effectively.

As You Watch This Video

As you watch this video to understand the available template;

1. Break the problem down, understand it, get data, get facts, get some patterns and understand the work.

2. The point of occurrence is the direct cause.

3. Most attach a bandaid, which is to stop at the first level of cause. But the problem recurs.

4. Follow the casual chain to the root cause by asking why 5 times. (could be 3 could be more than 5)

5. One incident causes another condition then another condition causes another and so forth until we come to the occurrence of the observed problem

6. You can verify with a therefore chain going upward to the problem observed

Still need to visualize, understand the design of the 5 why analysis and how the method is tested, see the following case studies.

Image used for Led to Manage 5WA case study.

Case Study 1 - Led to Manage LLC

How we used the process

How we used this format

1. We started with the why of the occurrence, why did the user have poor performance?

2. Then we examine the why did we not detect this poor user performance?

3. Lastly we examined the why had we not predicted this, why did we not predict poor performance?

Lessons Learned

1. Since we did not consider the mobile platforms, we did not consider that software downloads would be an issue is causing poor user performance.

2. We learned that only Apple products were used to create ad test and did not consider PC and android platforms when testing user performance or accessibility.

3. Lastly since we did not consider the most popular format, android. The phones available had software already loaded and did not predict that a stripped down android phone would have no apps but could access google products through the web browser, thus the need to convert all document to google format was an needed activity prior to release to website upload.

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