Coaching Services

Coaching offers an exceptional learning experience through our experts who are dedicated to helping you excel. With advanced coaching, we tailor your coaching to meet your specific needs. Our goal is to your growth and provide you with the necessary tools to achieve greatness in your chosen field. Trust us to guide you to success.


Currently book during standard Monday through Friday 6:00 am to 2:00 pm MST

Availability starting at 4 pm to 6 pm MST Monday through Friday

6 am to 6 pm MST Saturday

Peer Coaching - Collaborative Coaching Online

Rate $19.99 per hour, discounts available, contact us for more information.

What do I get with peer coaching services?

Our Role – Quality System Specialist – Work to understand your system, review your needs, and suggest process improvements.

We help you and your peers use a chosen template and apply it to your business model, with or without action plans.

Coaching includes personalized shareable document for use or for future coaching.

1 hour online coaching (one on one coaching) no minimum participates

Benefits of Peer Coaching

Unlock Success with Peer Coaching : Embrace the Power of Collaborative Coaching

In today’s competitive world, staying ahead requires continuous learning and upgrading of skills. Traditional learning methods may no longer be enough to achieve success in your career or personal growth. Coaching offers a unique opportunity to unlock your full potential and gain a competitive edge. By embracing the power of peer coaching, you can tap into a wealth of knowledge, connect with a like-minded individuals, and accelerate your journey towards success.

In a collaborative coaching environment, you can leverage the diverse expertise and experiences of others. This exposure to different viewpoints and approaches can broaden your horizons and enable you to think outside the box. Working together with others also enhances your communication and interpersonal skills, which are essential in today’s interconnected world.

Group Coaching - Facilitative Coaching Online

Rate $39.99 per hour, discounts available contact us for more information.

What do I get with group coaching services?

Our Role – Quality Improvement Specialist – Assist in the establishment, training, implementation of quality concepts with the goal of developing actionable improvement plans.

We do it for you. You gather the group and we provided the coaching on the use of a chosen tool with the goal of creating prioritized action plans in a multidisciplinary team environment.

Advanced coaching includes a shareable document for use or for future advanced coaching activities.

3 hours minimum online – no minimum participates

(1 hour coaching + 1 hour brainstorming / fact finding session – 1 hour application)  

Benefits of Group Coaching

Unlocking Success with Group Coaching: Unleash Your Potential with Facilitative Coaching.

In this fast-paced and competitive world, it is essential to constantly upgrade your skills and knowledge to stay ahead. The power to unleash your potential lies in seeking out group building and facilitative coaching that can provide you with the necessary tools and guidance to achieve success. By investing in yourselves and embracing these opportunities, you can unlock our true potential and achieve remarkable personal and professional growth.

While peer coaching offers the knowledge and skills for personal improvement, group coaching provides the essential support and guidance needed to unlock your groups potential fully. These services are offered by an experienced professional who specializes in empowering individuals and groups to achieve their goals. Group coaching is designed to provide personalized assistance tailored to your groups unique circumstances while building group unity.

Team Coaching - Off Site Coaching

Rate $59.99 per hour, discounts available, contact us for more information.

What do I get with off site team coaching services?

4 day event – Day 1 is the introduction to organization, virtual tour, review of recent changes to the organization, review of ongoing action plans for 2 hours, then 2 hours to brainstorm your needs and expectations, and generate an agenda that will schedule a morning and an afternoon or evening session for the next 3 scheduled days of coaching with 6 sessions at 2 hours each. The remainder of the first day we will spend 4 hours to prepare training and documents for next 3 days coaching.

Agenda for coaching for the remaining scheduled 3 days, will be the 2 courses a day at 2 hour sessions. We will facilitate off site team coaching on the use of selected tools from course packages available from Purpose Defining courses to Progress Developing courses specific to your needs, each of the 6 selected courses are a 1 hour coaching with a 1 hour application of a business tool event.

Our Role – Quality Director – can assist in the development, implementation plan, evaluation of current operations from incoming requirements strategies to outgoing products or services, so you meet the quality, integrity and efficiency standards set by the organization through quality improvement projects.

Advanced coaching packages include shareable documents for use or for future off site remote online peer coaching collaboration or group coaching facilitation.

20 hours minimum off site hours – no minimum participates

4 hours introduction and planning, 4 hours preparation, then 6 courses (1 hr coach, 1 hr apply) 

Benefits of off site services

Unlocking Success with Advanced Coaching: Experience the Limitless Perks of Off-Site Coaching

The perks of off-site coaching go beyond acquiring new skills. These resources allow you to specialize in specific areas, making you and your team a valuable assets in the marketplace. Team coaching on multiple tools means the company growth is realized throughout the organization.

These off site coaching sessions provide flexibility in terms of location and time, making it easier for individuals with busy schedules to fit professional development into their lives. Off-site coaching ensures that you and your team can learn at your own pace and convenience.

Team Coaching - On Site Coaching

Rate $59.99 per hour + travel + expenses, contact us for more information.

What do I get with on site team coaching services?

4 day event – Day 1 is the introduction to organization, site tour, review of recent changes to the organization, review of ongoing action plans for 2 hours, then 2 hours to brainstorm your needs and expectations, and generate an agenda that will schedule a morning and an afternoon or evening session for the next 3 consecutive days of coaching with 6 sessions at 2 hours each. The remainder of the first day we will spend 4 hours to prepare training and documents for next 3 days coaching.

Agenda for coaching for the next consecutive scheduled 3 days, will be the 2 courses a day at 2 hour sessions. We will facilitate on site team coaching on the use of selected tools from course packages available from Purpose Defining courses to Progress Developing courses specific to your needs, each of the 6 selected courses are a 1 hour coaching with a 1 hour application of a business tool event.

Our Role – Quality Improvement Specialist – can assist in the development, implementation plan, evaluation of current operations from incoming requirements strategies to outgoing products or services, so you meet the quality, integrity and efficiency standards set by the organization through quality improvement projects.

Advanced coaching packages include shareable documents for use or for future off site remote online peer coaching collaboration or group coaching facilitation.

20 hours minimum off site hours – no minimum participates

4 hours introduction and planning, 4 hours preparation, then 6 courses (1 hr coach, 1 hr apply) 

Benefits of on site services

Unlocking Success with Premium Courses: Empower your Team with On Site Services

After an on site visit, we can tailor an agenda for the most beneficial week long coaching for your team’s and company’s growth. This third party assessment can aid in generating the coaching needed from the course packages available or tailored training to meet your teams needs.

Instead of relying solely on remote learning, on site services brings the experienced coach directly to your organization. This allows for tailored training programs that are specific to your industry, business objectives, and challenges. By having training on site, you can receive hands on guidance, immediate feedback, and targeted advice. This is a more efficient and effective learning experience, ensuring that you make the most out of your teams efforts.

Charles Trujillo


Over 5 years office equipment service technician, typewriter and copier maintenance technician.

Over 8 years experience in military service, NCO for the USAF.

Over 8 years, property management as a landlord of 4 rental properties.

Over 10 years retail management experience for both large and small chains.

Over 20 years experience in manufacturing from production to engineering to quality management.

More About Charlie